Whitgift Benevolent Society

The Society was formed over a hundred years ago to help Old Whitgiftians who were encountering difficulties and problems in their lives.

More recently the Society’s role has been expanded to embrace not just OWs but anybody that has an association with the School. So we are now also able to help current Whitgiftians, members of staff, and indeed anybody who forms part of the “Whitgift Family”.

The Society’s committee, made up entirely of Old Whitgiftians, deals with a great variety of cases and situations. It could be a present Whitgiftian on a bursary whose parents are struggling to cover the extra cost of a cricket tour. Or it could be an OW who has run into serious difficulties in his life and needs significant financial assistance.

Each case is considered by the committee and a decision taken as to the type and level of support the Society can offer. Cases are allocated to individual committee members who ensure that the assistance provided by the Society is appropriate and adequate.

The Society currently has over 70 subscribing members, almost all of whom are Old Whitgiftians. WBS members are encouraged to keep their eyes open for anybody within the Whitgift Family who may be in need of the Society’s help. Although financial assistance is often at the top of the priority list, the support, advice, sympathy and friendship the Society and its members can provide are sometimes of equal importance.

Anybody who would like to know more about the work of the Society, or perhaps knows someone the Society might be able to help, or would like to become a subscribing member of the Society should contact one of the officers:

Richard Martin, Chairman, E-mail housemartinrp@btinternet.com Phone – 01323 890028

Peter Dunn, Secretary and Membership Secretary, Email- peterdunn75@gmail.com Phone – 020 8660 5535