Whitgiftian Benevolent Society News

The Annual General Meeting of Whitgiftian Benevolent Society was held on Saturday 20th July at which the Chairman, Fergus McCombie, was able to report on another successful year’s activities.

The Society has around 30 active cases, supporting current pupils and their families, for example with help towards travel, lunch and uniform costs or other School related expenses, as well as OWs in financial and practical need.

The Society is grateful for the support of its members and would like to hear from any OW who is interested in becoming a member to assist in continuing its work (the minimum annual subscription is just £20). Similarly, the Society will give consideration to any application for assistance from those within its beneficial class, namely past and current Whitgiftians, past and current members of staff and others with a connection with the School.

Contact can be made through the Secretary, Peter Dunn (peterdunn75@gmail.com).