Whitgift Veteran Rifles Club Report

Hello lovely readers, I hope we find you all well. A short missive from the Rifle Club; whilst many of you know, we did get to open late last year but had to close again in November.

We had some great shooting in the few months last year before our closure, including welcoming three new members to the range! Our warmest welcome to all of those new members; we really can’t wait to see you all at the firing point more over the coming years.

In November, we braced ourselves against the cold to shoot at Bisley, and despite the torrential rain and wind, we had some brilliant shots and were very lucky to be able to introduce some of our members to Fullbore. Our thanks as always to those who volunteered to organize shooting days and events.

We did however have some very sad news late last year, which you may have seen in last month’s newsletter: our long serving and wonderful President, Ronald “Bunny” Branton, passed away on Wednesday 2nd December, very peacefully in Hospital. Bunny was a stalwart of the WVRC, having worked hard over the past many years to run and develop the club, having held most of the committee offices at some point in his distinguished shooting career. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family and friends, we will certainly miss him.

To end on a happy note, we are looking forward to our AGM next month and looking forward to the announcement that sport can resume in England so we can get back down to the range. This year is the 125th Anniversary of the WVRC and as such we really hope we can have the chance to actually shoot this year! If you’d like to join us to celebrate this momentous occasion, please do get in contact via email secretary@wvrc.org.uk.

As always, we hope you are all doing well under the Coronavirus Pandemic this year, and we can’t wait to see you all again whether it’s at the range or at bar at Croham Road!


Henry Parritt, OW (2009-2016)