Chairman’s Message – Nov/Dec 2017
It’s been quite a year for the WA and Whitgift. Christopher Ramsey is nearing the end of his first term as the school’s 27th Headmaster and we were delighted to have the opportunity to hear his initial thoughts about life at the school at an extremely enjoyable WA Vice President’s Dinner in the Old Library at the end of October.
It’s important that we continue to build ever-stronger links between the WA and the school. A strong, sustainable relationship between the two is mutually beneficial to both bodies. Our interests are aligned – every one of today’s pupils will become an Old Whitgiftian, so ensuring that the WA is relevant to them, as well as our existing members, must be a focus for us.
It’s not a simple task due to rapidly changing expectations, driven in large part by technology. We must continue, for example, to explore how we communicate with our members most effectively, the services we offer and the value we add.
So, plenty to do and I’d be very happy to hear from any OW who wanted to help. Please do get in touch.
Jonathan Bunn OW (1980-88)
Chairman, Whitgiftian Association