1996 Leavers Reunion

45 Old Whitgiftians from the class of 1996 met for their 20-year reunion at School, at the end of the Summer.
The group assembled on the Terrace and posed for a photo by the War Memorial (pictured) before heading up the Old Library for an informal buffet-style dinner where all were able to “mingle” and catch up at their leisure.
After a delicious meal, delivered by the School’s caterers, the group travelled up to Whitgift Sports Club (“The Clubhouse”) to continue their reminiscing in the bar.
Thanks to Stephen Deadmon (1988-96 and School Captain), (Dominic Edwards (1988-96) and Andreas Dracoulis (1991-96) for organising a splendid event. One OW commented, “Apart from being horrified at how poor my memory is… it was a brilliant evening – really enjoyed meeting up again with so many people after all these years. Thanks for the opportunity to come back to the school.”
If you would like to organise a reunion for your year group, or any other group of Old Whitgiftians, please contact the WA Office on 020 8633 9926.