AGM 2017 report

A well-attended AGM, boosted perhaps by the generous offer of a buffet and wine from WA President Richard Bateman, was held at Croham Road on 4 December 2017.

The President welcomed members and reflected on his busy year in office before WA Chairman, Jonathan Bunn, gave his report, including encouraging words on the WA’s relationship with the School and the development of the WA Bursary Appeal which raised £150,000 in 2017 thanks to the generosity of members.

The Statement of Accounts for Years ending August 2016 and 2017 were approved. This was followed by the election of Lord Freud as WA President for 2018, who said his year would focus on how the WA can best help the school in its “extraordinary and transformative” work.

Three new Vice-Presidents – Nigel Bowthorpe, James Coates and Dominic Edwards – were elected, recognising their contribution to the WA or the wider world. A number of proposals around the structure of the WA were raised and these will be taken forward for consideration by the WA Committee. Full AGM Minutes will shortly be available on the WA website.