Class of 1970 Reunion

From left to right Gordon Scott, Leon Sacks, Sean O'Farrell, Jim Mon, Peter Pringle, Adrian Figgess, Howard Morton, Ed Andrews, Peter Gale and Dale Mockford.
The winter meeting of the “Class of 1970” was held at the Skimmington Castle on January 20th. In addition to the usual suspects, it was good to see Howard Morton for the first time in many years and, after more than 30 years, surprise attendee Leon Sacks briefly over in the UK from his home in Miami. Great effort Leon, and your offer of future reunions in the Florida sun is very tempting. However, late July at the Skim looks more likely for our summer get-together! Anyone wishing to join us should contact Dale Mockford on 07718 904223.
Dale Mockford OW (1962-70)