Collingwood School, Wallington – 90th Anniversary

Many Whitgiftians were first educated at Collingwood School, as I was. It was founded in 1929 and was established as an education in trust in 1978. I became a governer then, and served as Chairman for many years.
There are two special events planned for the Summer to celebrate the 90th Anniversary.
On Friday 24th May, from 1pm to 3pm, there will be a garden party at Springfield Road for pupils and parents, past and present. There will be entertainments, refreshments and an art exhibition. All those with a fond connection with the school are most welcome. Please ‘phone the school office on 020 8647 4607 if you wish to attend.
A celebratory ball is being held at Zinnia Gardens in Banstead on the evening of 7th June, from 7pm – a fabulous evening of feasting, live music, magic and dancing. The invitation is open to all Collingwood friends, families, past pupils (adults), past governors, past teachers and anyone with Collingwood connections. Dress code is “smart” – Black Tie, if you wish.
Please do look at the Collingwood website The school has a super Head in Mr Leigh Hardie and excellent staff in all areas. The building is in wonderful condition.
My telephone number is 01372 728003.
Brian Lay OW (1944-51)