Oxford Dinner – Thursday 2nd October 2014

Please join other OWs at Jesus College, the only Elizabethan College in Oxford, for a WA regional dinner on Thursday 2nd October.

Tickets are just £58 per person or £45 for OW undergraduates.


or download the flyer

Price includes: Pre-dinner drinks from 6.30pm in the Harper Room, a fine panelled room which is part of the lodgings of the Principal of Jesus, Lord Krebs and a three-course meal at 7.30pm, including wine, coffee, mints and a glass of port.

Dress Code – Black Tie (preferred) or lounge suits. Partners welcome.

Accommodation at the college is available at the cost of £70 for a single room or £90 for a double, inclusive of breakfast. Please contact:simon.smith@jesus.ox.ac.uk quoting ‘Dinner No: KX20551.’

OW Alastair Lack has kindly offered to conduct a short tour of nearby colleges at 2pm for those who are interested. Alastair is a Blue Badge Oxford guide, and knows the anecdotes as well as the archtecture and history of the city. Meet at 2 p.m in the lodge at Jesus College – the stroll will last about an hour and a half.

Those staying overnight may be tempted by the TutAnkhAmun exhibition at the Ashmolean. This is a world class event in what is now, following its rebuild a few years ago, a world class museum.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the office on 0208 633 9926 or by e-mail to: office@whitgiftianassociation.co.uk