Senior Prefects’ Dinner

It is a WA tradition to welcome the School’s Senior Prefects for supper at the start of their tenure in the new academy year.

Stefan Amokwandoh, the 2014-15 School Captain, and eight Senior Prefects joined Old Whitgiftians Nick Somers, Sam Barke, Andreas Dracoulis, Dom Edwards (also a Whitgift Senior House Master) and David Stranack (WA President) for a curry supper at Whitgift Sports Club on Friday 3rd October.

It was a pleasure to also welcome Whitgift Master Richard Martin, the Deputy Proctor and Assistant Head of 6th Form.

The evening provided an opportunity for the WA to tell the current Whitgiftians what the WA can do for them, both now and in years to come, and for the boys to tell us what they would like their alumni association to do for them.

Overwhelmingly, the boys reported that they would welcome the opportunity to use the OW network for careers advice, work experience or in-tern placements.

If you might be able to help, please get in touch with the WA office at