From the Editor

Many congratulations to Elliot Daly on winning his 50th England rugby cap on Saturday when he had the honour of leading out the team at Cardiff. Unfortunately, the rest of the afternoon did not go so well!
To put his achievement into context, it is far more than those won by our vintage members (11):- P.Brook – 3, B.Nicolson – 3, M.Turner – 2, I.Beer – 2, A.Wordsworth – 1 and just more than our current crop of internationals (48) Danny Cipriani – 16, Marland Yarde – 13, Harry Williams – 19.
YES, it’s true – Old Whitgiftians get everywhere including prime time game shows on national television. Great fun was had by our past Chairman and his wife, but unfortunately they failed to bring home the major prize only winning just enough to buy all members a drink!
You will have read that the School Alumni Office will be taking charge of this newsletter from July and that it will be issued once a term and ONLY electronically by email but to all OWs. Please ensure that they have your email address. Full contact details will be published in the next issue.
Richard Blundell OW (1956-63)
WA President