Message from the Chairman

Welcome to the latest edition of the Whitgiftian Association newsletter (members will need to be signed in to read it online). It’s another enlightening read of the various activities going on in and around our Association.
So, please take some time to learn more about all that’s best about the school, its pupils and old boys. There’s inspiration in the form of Ollie Stoten, who trekked 1,100 miles across the frozen waste of Antarctica; while excellence is recognised in the awarding of the new Walker Cup to school golfer Harvey Byers.
On a personal note, I enjoyed reading about the restoration of the old “village shop” on Woodcote Green in Purley, where I remember frittering away my pocket money as a child. I happened to drive past just the other day and wondered what all the building work was about, so I am delighted to see that it is OW Alex Goward and his wife who are bringing the place back to life.
I always enjoy the sports reports and was delighted to see strong results from both our rugby and hockey sections, although I am still feeling a bit sore having turned out as emergency front row cover for the OWRFC 1st XV last weekend in their promotion play-off.
Just as importantly, there’s a chance for all Old Whitgiftians to renew friendships and share memories at the Annual Dinner on 26 May. This year, we will enjoy the sumptuous surroundings of the Royal College of Surgeons as guests of WA President, Dr Richard Bateman. It would be great to see as many of you there as possible.
Finally, the Whitgiftian Association Bursary Appeal grows in strength. After the successful dinner at the Athenaeum Club, former WA Chairman Pip Burley is organising a special musical evening “The Golden Age of Song” at the school in June in aid of the appeal so I hope we can ensure a great turnout for what promises to be a spectacular evening.
The appeal aims to support the school’s strong tradition of offering financial support to boys and maintain the bursary scheme for future generations. There’s no simple or quick fix, but the appeal is already on its way to making a difference.
Please let me know if you would like to be involved more closely with the work of the WA or if you have any ideas or questions. I can be reached at
For now though, I hope you enjoy the updates on both OW and school activity in the pages that follow.
Jonathan Bunn
OW (1980-88)