Message from the Headmaster

It is a great pleasure to write my first official words to the OW community.

When I was appointed, astonishingly eighteen months ago now, I received messages immediately from some Whitgift alumni, and I have had a steady stream since, all welcoming me and reminding me what a great community this is.

As I expected, I’ve found a school which is outstandingly energetic, aspirational and supportive. The boys do exceptional things, which I hope are widely read about via our website and publications, and part of the secret of our success is the role models they see around them: OWs both recent and long-standing.

Shortly after half term will come Remembrance Day, when I hope to see some of you here at school; thereafter there will be many events to which you will all be invited. But please do not wait to be formally called back to Whitgift: come and see us if you find yourself in the area! You will be most welcome.

Thank you, then, for your welcome to me, and I look forward to getting to know you all better in the years to come.

Chris Ramsey