News from the Golf Society – July / August 2020

There is very little to report on for the last quarter, for reasons that will be evident to all.
We are however fortunate in that golf, at least, has been permitted for the last few weeks, albeit with some unusual playing conditions and constraints. The different methods that golf clubs have adopted to prevent the ball falling too far into the hole, so that players do not have to touch the flagstick, are a wonder to behold, but hopefully they will be museum pieces before long.
The golf society has not met since lockdown was imposed back in March, which means, first and foremost, that our much-anticipated Centenary event in June had to be postponed. We now hope to hold the celebration next June instead. Also casualties were Alan Blok’s Captain’s Day, and the Cyril Gray competition for our over-50s side.
However, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Pip Burley’s first President’s Meeting will be held at Kingswood in late July, although we are not yet certain whether, or to what extent, we will be able to enjoy the club’s catering after we play golf. But at least we will be able to meet – socially distanced, no doubt – and to play, and we hope now that we are able successfully to complete the remainder of the society’s calendar.
Also of note is that the society’s Grafton Morrish team has qualified for the finals in October. They did not have to swing a club, it has to be said, in order to qualify. The tournament organisers decided that the finals will take place, in North Norfolk, but that the regional qualifying could not take place due to the lockdown; instead they chose to invite all those schools who qualified for the finals in 2019 to participate again this year. Whitgift are one such school.
If any OW wishes to join the society (or a parent, or a teacher at the school) and take part in our open meetings, they will be very welcome, whatever their playing standard. The Hon Sec will be happy to hear from them at
Best wishes to all readers.
Peter Gale OW (1963-69)
Hon Sec