News from the Whitgift Veterans Rifles Club

Apologies for our time in the dark recently. Since my last submission life has, as it tends to, got in the way of our writing but we are back! We’re bringing in the New Year with festivities and new announcements that we hope will excite you!
However, first, our results this past year have been exciting. We have successfully fielded two teams for each season this year, our results have been good with exceptional note-worthy scores from Duncan Samuel who has had the highest team average in the A team, and Bruce Barry who had the highest team average in the B team, both from our Summer 2019 results. We still await news from the Winter’s shooting but hopefully we will hear some good news soon!
Our Full Bore shooting has seen some wonderful results this year. Our LMRA League results have been fairly consistent with some notable scores. Nick Harman has been shooting exceptionally well coming 3rd in total in Division 2 with an aggregate score of 277.15 while the team as a whole came 3rd in Division 2. Special congratulations must also go to Nick who won the Long Range Cup due to having the highest score in the LMRA league on the 3rd Round!
Our PSV results were admirable, we successfully put forward two teams to this Year’s PSV with the A team scoring 234.21 and the B team scored 221.9. Our LMRA PSV results were also not too shabby with Ian Todd scoring a total of 87 and 4 V Bulls. Unfortunately, however, we were beaten to the high scores and came 4th this year with a very respectable team total of 307 and 20 V Bulls.
In the middle of December, we had our Christmas Shoot which had a good turnout! Thanks to the dedication of Mark Collins we had some excellent (albeit small and incredibly difficult to hit) targets comprising of aliens, snooker balls and a dart board. Our winner was the one and only Duncan Samuel who scored an Impressive 297 point with Charlie Collins only a small step behind with 250 points.
We then proceeded to enjoy the festive feast prepared for us by none other than the wonderful Nick Hart where Henry Parritt and Chris Beard proceeded to jointly win the Christmas Jumper Competition. We successfully raised money for charity too as part of the shoot thanks to everyone donating! Our deepest thanks to Mark and family for organising the event and Nick for the wonderful banquet!
As ever we see in the new year with reflection, thinking about all the new faces we’ve seen this year and hope to see in the future. With our eternal thanks to James Stremes who has kept the school shooting club running strong and brought back the house competition.
If you feel like taking up the rifle once again or for the first time please contact It would be wonderful to see some of you down at the range.
Henry Parritt OW (2009-16)