President’s Blog #77

A walk across the School junior playground on the brand-new green rubber safety surface brought back memories of a scarred left knee from the original 1931 gravel surface!
A WSPA committee meeting was followed by a Headmaster’s reception in Big School concerning OW support for the Bursary Scheme, then back into Big School together with 2,000 other people for Open Morning and a check on the WA presence amongst all the marvellous display boards and a brief visit to Whitgift Sports Club (WSC) for their RWC braai morning.
A trip to Devon for the SW Area Dinner enabled the meeting of a wide range of OWs, ably assembled by Simon Kennedy, at an extremely convivial evening of OW fellowship.
Out onto Big Side to check on the winning ways of the School first XV in Trophy and Cup matches and a visit to WSC to listen to the Corps of Drums play their latest repertoire of music ready for their upcoming events.
Into the Founder’s Room for a main committee meeting discussing matters of state and a swift visit to the School PAC to find school drama in fine form.
Then an invitation from the John Whitgift Foundation (new re-branding) to enjoy the “in harmony” concert in the newly refurbished Fairfield Halls and to listen to wonderful music from the pupils of all three Schools.
A lunch at WSC to help celebrate a special birthday for a very senior member with the gift of the new OW woollen scarf to help keep him warm.
Lastly, my Sincere Thanks to all those members who conveyed their thoughts, words and prayers of condolence to me at this very sad time and it was humbling to meet so many OWs at Mary’s funeral.
Richard Blundell OW (1956-63)