Whitgift Veterans Rifle Club Report

Just a very brief report as we are currently in that interim period which comprises the approaching conclusion of the Small Bore Winter Leagues and the commencement towards the end of March of our Full Bore calendar.

Just too late for inclusion in the last report was the now very demanding Veterans Christmas Shoot. Won on this occasion by Rob Beere (OW 2000-05) with Ben Justice in second place. Ben was one of the 4 school boy shots taking part, all of whom were part of the School winning team in their postal shoot v other schools last summer. All 4 shot very well indeed, a credit to Peter Morrison (PJ) under whose leadership the School Shooting Club continues to flourish. Well done all!

Moving on to Full Bore, Graham has arranged the first practice shoot for 19 March, an all-day shoot at 600 yards for which reasonable conditions would be welcome – not always the case however.

The Vets’ first match shoot of the 2016 Bisley season will be Round 1 of the LMRA League on 17 April, this to be followed by the LMRA Schools Veterans match on 30 April. For those who may be unaware, the latter competition was in fact instigated by the WVRC many years ago.

The Veterans AGM will be held this year on 29 March at the clubhouse with Bunny Branton (OW 1930-38) in the Chair.

That I think covers the club’s state of play at the moment. Small Bore League results etc in the next report.

Further information regarding the WVRC and our activities can be found within the WA website….new members always welcome.

Alan Hunter (OW 1952-59)