WVRC August Report

Rifles 2Hello lovely readers, I hope we find you all well. A short missive from the Rifle Club. Since the start of lockdown, our shooting has been pretty quiet we haven’t really been down the range and most clubs have been closed.

However, following recent updates from the Government, we’ve been able to reopen the range at the School! Several committee members spent an evening preparing the site for visitors including putting up signage everywhere and coming up with the procedures that members will be following. Our deepest thanks to all those committee members who have contributed and got us up and running again.

We’ve now had our first couple of indoor sessions with several members; the first was almost too hot to shoot, I was absolutely dripping in sweat! The second we had last week being very successful with our members getting back into the swing of things.

RiflesWe’ve been lucky enough to have Guy Hart organising our full bore calendar and had a practice shoot down at Bisley only a few weeks ago. We had a good turn out and the weather didn’t wreak too much havoc for once! Of note was Ian Todd’s tidy score whilst trying out shooting from a bench and chair, Nick Harman’s unknown 600 yard settings and Duncan Samuel & Willem Samuel’s wind-coaching of one another.

Finally, in more good news, we’re lucky enough to have had several prospective members contact us and are looking into running dedicated training days, Covid safe of course, for them to get them introduced to the club. We’re very excited and cannot wait to reintroduce them to the sport.

Other than that, we wish you all the best and hope to see some of you at the range or the pub again soon! Please do get in contact with us if you’d like to re-discover a passion for shooting. We’d be happy to welcome you.

Henry Parritt (2009-2016)